Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Low: Trump for President and the Birthers Movement

(Photo: if you would vote for this man, I am afraid of you)

If Donald Trump even gets nominated to become the President of the United States, I would have to leave the country on principle. The list of principle-based fleeing now includes: if Michael Bay makes "Armageddon 2"; if Paris Hilton has a second surge of popularity due to another dubiously released sex tape; or if Sarah Palin isn't permanently off of television by 2018. Word is we'll have 3D TVs in most homes by then...no way I could psychologically survive that. But now Trump gets added to the list as the rumors start about his legitimacy as a Republican presidential candidate. Currently, he's seeking the support and endorsement of the "birthers" movement. What is the birthers movement you might ask? Well, it's a group of people currently digging through Obama's birth certificate legitimacy, claiming that he wasn't actually born in Hawaii and is somehow an illegitimate U.S. President. Yes, this is what it's come to. It's too funny to be angering, and there's no way it can do anything but help Obama while hurting the Republican Party, as Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune pointed out. Currently I'm fairly capable of remaining pretty close to neutral in political situations. If it can work for Switzerland for almost two centuries, why the hell can't I do it? But if Trump ever puts together a campaign and even sniffs the presidency, something I can't imagine actually happening, Republicans may just force me to cast my first vote after all.

1 comment:

  1. "Hey you, Secretary of State, YA FIRED!" That has a presidential ring to it.

