Monday, March 28, 2011

High: One Physicists Bold Predictions for the Future

According to the recent predictions of physicist Michio Kaku, we're not that far off from all kinds of crazy things that will make Droids and iPads look like children's' toys in the near future. Kaku may or may not have completely jumped the shark, but the fact that some of this stuff is even in discussion by someone who knows a lot more about the universe than me is simply incredible, not to mention more than a little frightening. Picture personal robots, shape-shifting furniture (really) and being able to bring back versions of unique species like raptors and Marlon Brando . Imagine the internet showing up in your contact lenses and programs that automatically provide subtitles for people speaking a language you don't know. Imagine American travelers finding new ways to piss people off all over the world besides simply not speaking the language. Will any of this stuff happen exactly as Kaku projects? Probably not, but the reality is that a variation of a lot this stuff will probably be happening sometime in our lifetime - not to mention plenty of other stuff that even Kaku's imagination wouldn't be able to grasp. It does obviously bring up plenty of moral issues that will have to be weighed, or at least ogled from a distance as technology marches forward anyway, but it also brings about incredible possibilities for the next century. Unfortunately, it seems there will always be a manifestation of Justin Bieber or Snooki in society in one form or another, but you can't have everything in life.


  1. dude, bringing back marlon brando?

    not sure I love the idea, but I'm down anyways.

    Personally, I'd rather have an extra Jeff Bridges, just in case something bad happens to the first one.
