Friday, March 11, 2011

Low: Northwestern professor shows comical lapse of judgment

This one falls under the strange but true category. A psychology professor at Northwestern recently got his 15 minutes of notoriety for sanctioning a sex demonstration, one that can be read about in some detail here. The bullet points are that for his human sexuality class, professor J. Michael Bailey organized a public display in which a woman and her husband performed sex activities in front of more than 100 students of the university. Not only does this sound strikingly like that scene from Boogie Nights, but it is also a comical error in judgment that defies all expectations of an assumed level of social intelligence, even for a man with a doctorate in psychology. There are times and places for just about anything, including this, only the places are called swingers' clubs and they usually aren’t organized by the guy who runs your Monday-Wednesday-Friday Psychology course. There are few people in this world less squeamish about human sexuality, and part of the charm and beauty of this country is that you’re allowed to do and say utterly stupid things in public, but this demonstration of academic insight turned out to be nothing short of oppressively moronic. Northwest University officials said they were “troubled and disappointed” by the situation. Hmmm, you don’t say. Subsequently, J. Michael Bailey’s dreams of one day transferring to BYU to teach a course in the fundamentals of chastity have been suspended indefinitely.

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