Sunday, March 13, 2011

Low: Gotta hand it to the anti-gay protesters

Anti-gay activists recently protested at the funerals of homosexuals who died in military service. Don’t worry, I had to read that a couple of times too when I first heard about it. Signs that were seen included: “Pray for more dead soldiers,” “” and “God blew up the troops.” My first reaction was laughter, for certainly I was reading the failed pitch of a made-for-TV movie, or maybe I was just a couple hours from awakening to the annoying sound of my morning alarm clock. Regardless of thoughts and opinions about the topic, it was nothing short of a miracle for those looking to see equal rights for all citizens of this country, as they should sleep soundly knowing that the other side is so willing to put together such spectacular public displays of inhumanity, irony and mindboggling stupidity. As the world continues the inevitable process of pursuing an unattainable true equality, at least the extreme anti-gay protesters will have plenty to talk about with the people who believe the Earth is 6,000 years old and that Kirk Cameron is a demi-God. Congratulations are required, I guess, for it takes a true level of pure brilliance to find the one thing that JC himself would have done, and then find a way to do the exact opposite.

1 comment:

  1. What's the definition of "hypocrite?" Or maybe just "idiot?" Does this seem like the kind of thing that Jesus would have supported in his day? I mean, really. Do these people think that Jesus is sitting with his "Dad" up on some cloud somewhere nodding with approval as he watches his "followers" celebrate the death of other human beings? I thought he was for peace and loving one's brother? Do homosexuals not count? How does that work? Oh, right, because the Bible says it's bad to be gay. But the Bible also says that it's OK to beat a slave if he is able to get back up within a few days. Right, my mistake. Man, that Abraham Lincoln must have been full of shit.
